World experience in education shows a willingness to enable children with special educational needs and people with disabilities to find their place in society. This article analyzes the importance of psychological readiness to train future teachers as one of the necessary conditions for the effective implementation of professional assistance during the inclusive educational process. The components of psychological readiness of future teachers, teaching assistants for professional activity are determined. The influence of psychological readiness on the formation of professional self – consciousness of students – future professionals is highlighted. The importance of the study is revealed through the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on psychological readiness for the introduction of inclusive education and the importance of this process for the realization of the natural potential of children with special educational needs. The importance of social and psychological adaptation of the child in the general educational space with the help of the teacher is determined. The strategy for the development of the national education system must be formed in accordance with modern integration and globalization processes. Properly organized and put into practice inclusive education should contribute to the implementation of this strategy, which in Ukraine should coexist with general and special education, which leads to the creation of a comfortable environment for children with different starting opportunities. All this corresponds to the priorities of state policy outlined in the National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine, which are: personal orientation of education; creating equal opportunities for children and youth in obtaining quality education; ensuring the variability of obtaining basic or complete general secondary education in accordance with abilities and individual capabilities.
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