The article examines the peculiarities of genres of academic writing (abstract, theses, scientific article, scientific essay) and the specifics of teaching written scientific communication within institutions of higher education. The structure of the abstract is analyzed, special attention is paid to the algorithm of actions of higher education applicants during the writing of a scientific essay. It is noted that education, especially higher education, is considered as the main factor of socio-economic progress of the nation, because the reason for such attention to education lies in the understanding that the most important value and the main wealth of modern society is a person who is capable of searching for, mastering new knowledge, learning during life and non-standard decision-making. Special attention is focused on the fact that for many decades the socio-economic stages in the development of society dictated development strategies and the content of education, today the state educational standards define scientific research activity and intercultural scientific communication as a priority, therefore higher education institutions began to actively implement elements and genres of scientific communication. Mastering the skills and abilities of academic writing is extremely relevant for a modern student, as he must be able to write an abstract for a project for an international conference or contest, write a scientific essay, present the results of his research activities, and correspond with partners. Therefore, higher education graduates (bachelor’s and master’s levels), who possess the main genres of scientific written communication, will in the future become more successful specialists, scientists in the modern world, since scientific competence will allow to form: an idea of the specifics of a scientific text in accordance with modern international norms of scientific communication, the ability to structure the text and competently convey its content, and the knowledge of the main genres of academic writing and the formation of basic abilities and skills are the scientific foundation that develops scientific experience within the professional sphere and realizes the creative abilities of novice researchers.
Українська мова. Короткий тлумачний словник лінгвістичних термінів / За ред. С. Я. Єрмоленко. Київ: Либідь, 2001. 224 с.