The purpose of this article is to reveal the role and significance of the topic "Mathematical modeling in medicine and biology" for the formation of professional knowledge and skills of the future doctor. To achieve this goal, methods of justification, generalization, and systematization of theoretical and practical material were used. The article deals with the problem of forming the professional competence of a future doctor through teaching mathematical modeling while studying the discipline "Medical Informatics". Based on the analysis of scientific research literature, the main approaches to the definition of the concept of "professional orientation of teaching mathematics" are presented. It is understood as the organization of educational activities in the classroom in mathematics so that the main value orientations for applicants for education are at the same time mastering the mathematical content in solving professionally-oriented problems and the formation of generalized skills of professional activity. The goals of professionally oriented teaching of mathematics are highlighted when studying the topic "Mathematical modeling" in a medical institution of higher education. The definitions of a professionally directed problem of mathematical modeling for students of medical educational institutions, its implementation through the identification and updating of interdisciplinary connections of mathematics with the disciplines of the professional cycle, since they are associated with objects and processes of a biomedical nature, have been developed and formulated. The functions of such tasks are described. The article also presents examples of professionally oriented educational tasks of mathematical modeling, which reflect interdisciplinary connections with the disciplines of professional and natural science cycles. In addition, the important role of the method of mathematical modeling in the study of biomedical phenomena and processes by means of mathematics is noted; the solution of the problem of medical content is submitted, which illustrates the specified method.
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